
Making a Customer Pyramid

Customer experience is an event that can make or break your business. Therefore, providing a great customer experience sets you apart from all other competitors. Creating good customer service is not hard work; it is a solid commitment.

These three levels are the basics for an excellent customer experience. Focus on each step independently and once you have strategies for each one, then work in the pyramid as a whole. Finally, maintain a high level of delivery on satisfaction and customer personalized service to achieve an elevated customer experience. 

Let's take the above pyramid to expand this topic

First is the foundation of the pyramid: the customer's needs.

These are the basis of understanding why a potential customer responded to your call through marketing. If they didn’t see any value in your brand or products, they would’ve just ignored your ad. If the customer visits your store and they cannot fulfill their needs, then the chances are they are not coming back. Customer experience starts by being able to satisfy their needs. 

Second, the middle of the pyramid: Accessibility

Refers to no other but how easy it is to do business with a brand. The easier a company makes it for the customer, the higher the chances of revisiting. People don’t like to deal with complicated exit points. Making your business accessible will lower the possibilities of cart abandonment. Think in simplicity and excellent customer experience to foster loyalty.   

Third, the top level of the pyramid: Pleasant

How enjoyable is your business for your customers? Providing outstanding services that make customers happy is a great deal. Taking care of small details and service points is vital to promote a pleasant visit.  

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