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In e-commerce, marketing conversion is the act of increasing visitors to a site to make a purchase. Conversion Rate Optimization is the process you use to improve the rates.

The primary conversions that marketers often refer to include:

  • Leads
  • Form completions
  • Email signups
  • Subscription
  • Visits to a key page
  • Sales
  • Registration
  • Phone calls (or other direct contacts)

Conversion Rate: the percentage of people who take a specific action.

Conversion Rate Optimization: Conversion Rate Optimization is the process of increasing the conversion. The process is done through specific desired actions.  This is done to increase the visits of possible buyers.  

Customer Conversion Rate - Formula

Six Months to Improve Your Conversion for Your Store by using your products

Use this strategy to sell your products.  These strategies help you increase conversion, brand awareness, and ultimately sales, which you need to keep growing.  If you need help in your Zona Shoppers store, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].   We are here for you!   

**The following scenarios are just examples of how you can develop your conversion schedule. You are welcome to use it, but we suggest you adapt these activities to your business.

Month 1

Strategy 1

Develop You Store

First, make your mini store in Zona Shoppers keeping in mind the following essential elements:
_Header, subheader, and sections
_Detailed Imagery
_Presentation of Products (include the specific characteristics that make it unique, help with needs, and put it ahead of the competition)

Strategy 2

Work on your Trust Signals

It will hugely help if you show your prospective customers the quality of your products. The best way to do this is through delivering other people’s experiences.

_Show Results/ Achievements
_Find Social Proof
_Get Testimonials
_Add Security Badges
_Show endorsements
_Display Certificates

Strategy 3

Add Pop-ups

Pop-ups are a great way to call attention. Use them wisely to show specific offers or call to action. You can obtain a great deal of information, but remember not to overuse them.

_Like click
_Grow email list
_Ask Questions
_Use it to Promote
_Conduct a Survey

Strategy 4

Make a Life Unboxing

People love to be part of something, a group, a club, or another experience that brings them happiness. In the beginning, they will be there to see what you offer, but slowly they will be part of your followers. It would be best if you send invitations and videos periodically. Show one product per Content!
_Find innovative & showy products.
_Decide the Format you want to include: Q&A, Live Chat, Interview clients
_Make a Script with all the details: step by step of all that will be taking place
_Select Time & Social Media

Strategy 6

Make Small Tutorials

If you introduce a new product, it would be best to provide a tutorial on using the product. Also, show the benefits. Refrain from assuming people know or understand your product—the more explicit content you can give about your product, the better engagement from prospective customers.
_Show the benefits
_Give demonstrations of the use
_Provide details: sizes, colors, material, consistency, and others.
_Open a Question and Answer window and respond to the inquiries.

Strategy 7

Set Appointments with Special Clients

Take time for your loyal customers. Learning more about the likes and dislikes of the products you sell is essential. The best way to take time for your clients is through a calendar. Select one day of the week and specific hours of the day. Let the clients choose 15 minutes and ask the questions in advance. Then, go to Instagram and open a live chat with them. This strategy is a great way to engage with clients and prospective customers.

Strategy 8

Make Products' Videos

Making a video takes time to develop due to the script. Once you have your writing, then it should go smoothly. If you are doing only image shots, ensure your message is clear. Show the use, the gadgets, the innovations, and how to use them. Focus on all the problem-solving essentials and select a piece of engaging background music. Remember to choose the social media that best suits your target customers.

Strategy 9

Returns' Auction

Make a returns auction party. Select one day per month or, when convenient, to celebrate a party with all your returns. This strategy is the best way to eliminate returns, sell unwanted inventory, and promote recycling. Yes, recycling! Most of the large e-companies send their returns to the trash. Your brand will do all the opposite; by selling the products at a low price, you will be making money and giving good use to the products. Make sure you have a policy in place regarding this type of product. It will be best if your policy includes bullets about “sold as is” and “no return.”

Month 2

Strategy 1

Social Media Content

Social media is one of the best tools to promote your products. Yes, campaigns are becoming more expensive, but use your social account wisely to promote and increase your clientele. Upload a great picture with great content. The information must be short, so it should be as catchy as possible. The image should call attention as well. Give details about your products. Then, you can link the image to a video for more information.

Strategy 2

Products Webinar

Webinars are a great way to talk to your customers about the product, the brand, and even future business plans or products. Webinars are usually not live-like chats but recorded videos with specific information. Webinars are a great tactic if you are starting to do this because you can edit and redo all the errors. Please don’t make an hour webinar; people will only give you a couple of minutes of their life. Use those minutes wisely. Go to the point, but answer your product’s what, why, how, when, and where.

Strategy 3

Special Prices for Loyal Customers

There is nothing more special than doing something unique for someone. This strategy is a great tactic to show appreciation. Your loyal customers were there before, and if you treat them right, they will be there forever (well, as long as the service is what they expect)—the best way to show appreciation is by giving them special prices. Send them a coupon with a special message of gratitude, as well as information about new upcoming events and products. Make them feel super special. Remember, keeping a customer is cheaper than finding a new one.

Strategy 4

Free Trial

Offer loyal customers free trials. Create a message on your store stating a free trial to loyal customers, then on your policy, define what is considered a loyal customer. Specify that tryouts are for specific days; otherwise, the product will be charged. Also, define the conditions for returning the product if they don’t like it. Of course, this strategy is not for all products. It depends on the business and the products. Giving free trials to loyal customers shows them that you trust them, which causes an emotional effect on people.

Strategy 5

Tease with Special Offers

Announcing a sale will have no effect on the public if you don’t make it exciting. The best way to call the attention of prospective and current customers is by using teasing as a tactic—teas about upcoming sales, products, or events. Also, don’t forget to do a follow-up on this type of email because people will forget. You can also notify few days or even hours before the event. This tactic will attract customers more to what is about to happen. But, of course, nothing will work if your message is not exciting and promote intrigue or scarcity.

Strategy 6

Start you Facebook Group

Starting a Facebook Group will help you increase your customer relationship with your brand. Remember this is to increase connections, not just promote your products or brand. Instead, please focus on the clients and listen to what they tell you. A Facebook group is the best way to learn about the feeling of people regarding your brand. Always use a polite and professional tone of expression. There will be people who will talk horrors about your brand or product. It is up to you to change their perspective. Please pay attention to what they are saying and make their complaints into acts of change. Your service needs improvements, so let them know you are working on it. Whenever a person sends a nasty comment, respond by giving them a positive reaction. This type of reaction will say wonders about the brand.

Strategy 7

Make Specific Bundle Offers

Have you noticed how large food warehouses are including bundles in their sales? Do you know why? They are attracting a specific target customer, a population with a special type of family with a particular number of integrants and income. This strategy is great if you need to sell inventory and gain customers, another target customer. This tactic helps you improve service and sales by making special bundles specified by the buyers and their needs. In most e-commerce sales, the bundles are already preselected; you can offer a special bundle where the customer selects what to include.

Strategy 8

Show part of the Product's Making Process

People love to see how you make your products. This strategy is great if you’re selling food or unique handmade products. However, it would be best to show the basics and don’t show the details; otherwise, people will copy. For example, you can make a recipe without specifics about the ingredients; show the process. If your business sells components, like cake ingredients, the most appropriate action will be telling the customer precise measurements or use. It all depends on the company and the product. Doing live chats or videos is best if you feel confident enough. If you are still learning the process, record a video put music and messages, and upload it to your social media.

Month 3

Strategy 1

Move Merchandise Around

Customers like to see new products often. Keeping your inventory fresh helps your customers believe you are bringing new products. The best alternative is to hold some products. Only upload some products at a time. Once you know it is time to show a new product, make a big buzz about it. Use other strategies like Tease Offers, Videos, and Blogs. The bigger the noise you cause, the better the outcome. Remember, it takes a customer over seven (7) times to see a product to decide. So, keeping constant visuals and messages will help prospective and current clients notice your brand and products.

Strategy 2

Make Flash Discounts (Week, Day, or Hours)

Nothing is more exciting than making a flash sale. This tactic keeps customers’ interest in your brand and page. Flash sales help you move inventory, attract people’s attention, and promote new customers to come and check the buzz. Flash sales need to go after a great buzz or tease offer. For example, 2 hours before the sale, send as many emails, messages, or social media posts as possible. Make a considerable noise. Place a countdown to promote excitement. If you can make this live sale, it will be even better.

Strategy 3

Make an Archetype

Brands like Pepsi, Coca-Cola, M&M’s, Nike, and other famous brands use this strategy. They use archetypes to give human characteristics to their brands. This tactic emphasizes the emotional connection between the brand and its products, increasing conversion rates. Archetypes help you to connect at an emotional level with your clients and develop a loyal bond. This strategy needs a good time to be produced. Exploring your business, brand, and products would also be best. If you need more information about this approach, please read more on How To Humanize My Brand.

Strategy 4

Offer a Complimentary Upgrade

Who doesn’t like an upgrade for the same price? Almost all humans love to do something better for the cost of something cheaper. This strategy is great if you are in the service business, like a nail salon, hair salon, dog grooming, massages, spa, and others. This tactic is the best opportunity to show your clients and engage them in new products or services that otherwise will pass unnoticed. You can give the offer a free upgrade or at a lower price. Once they accept, include more benefits for a fair price. Little by little, you will gain back the cost of the upgrade and more.

Strategy 5

Allow Trade-ins

Another great way to keep loyal customers and bring new ones is through trade-ins—contact clients who have already bought the previous product version. Show them the unique features of the new product and give them a trade-in offer. Trade-ins allow customers to make an “upgrade” of similar products but at a higher price. It is a win-win for both parties. You can later sell the trade-ins in auctions. A Trade-in strategy is the best tactic to promote your new products. For example, you bring new jeans with a price tag of $150.00, which can be expensive for most. Tell your loyal clients that the product falls under trade-in and give them a 40% discount on the new one. You get the previous version which you can sell in an auction, and you sell the latest version, keeping everyone satisfied and making a hefty commission.

Strategy 6

Purchase Dollars Discount

A Purchase Dollar Discount is another excellent way to keep customers. It is like offering their e-wallet with your store. Set the offer for customers with a previous purchase history. For example, you can offer them a “For every $100.00, you will receive $10.00 towards your store credit.”  You keep your loyal customers, maintain a flow of sales and call the attention of new customers. The reason for dollars instead of coupons is because some customers could be better with percentages but great with money amounts. So, target those clients by offering discounts in whole numbers instead of percentages. You can also set offers for new customers.

Strategy 7

Clearly State Shipping and Return Policies

Always be honest with your clients. Customers like to know what is the return process. Therefore, a free return policy is essential to keep current customers. Always keep your policies easy to find and see by customers. Hidden policies can lead to a lack of client trust and, eventually, lower conversions. Zona Shoppers’ e-commerce encourages its vendors to offer Return-less, which is the best way to keep customers. In resume, Return-less gives store credit for the product the person intends to return, and in exchange, they keep the product, but it entails more to avoid scams.

Strategy 8

Enable Live Chat

Technology brought significant advances and is a great communication tool for some people. For example, imagine your customer is at work and decides to take a break to ask something about your products. The fastest way is through chat. Quick responses are great for convincing clients that you give the best service. Chats are the best tool to open a route of direct communication with your clients. For example, how many times have you tried to get in touch with other e-commerce, and it is almost impossible? You get frustrated and decide to leave and find a new store. The same happens to your customers. Giving excellent services is the clue to a long customer relationship.

Month 4


Don't make them wait

Make your most significant effort to respond to emails, messages, or other communication. People like to feel special. This also applies to shipments. Send shipments as soon as you receive a payment confirmation. Keeping a customer waiting is your worst action to increase conversions. Nowadays, competition is fierce, so you need to make the most extensive effort to stay above the competitors.


Prompt Action with a Sense of Urgency

No doubt that creating time-limit offers creates a sense of scarcity, urgency, and anticipation. Flash sales, countdown timers, running low on stock, limited-time offers, shipping time constraints, last collection, and many other tactics can be used for this strategy.


Promote an Experience, Not a Brand

Design a great experience based on your mission and goals. Having your mission and objectives in place helps you develop great ways to provide an excellent service. Excellent services can include many things. For example, attention to their needs, empathy, particular shipping method, special wrapping, and answering their inquiries on time. There are so many ways you can show and give your customers a great experience. Come with a list of things you would like your favorite store to do for you. Remember, the essence of an occasion is how unique it feels for the clients, not you!


Use Colors as Allies

Colors are an excellent way to call the attention of customers. In addition, they have the power to affect the mood or emotions of people. It can also affect the perception of size, temperature, and weight. So, when using colors, use the correct tones for your brand and products. Use a color wheel and color psychology to select the perfect ones for your store.


Invite your Customers for a VIP Shopping Experience

This strategy is great if you have a physical store. Invite a group of your best clients to have a VIP Shopping Experience. Become their stylist for the day. Teach them what will look great on them, how to work with special tools, which color makeup looks better, or even how to help them train their dogs. Make your client feel extra special by taking time for them. This service is what high-end stores do for their clients, so why not do it too? You can also make a private purchase. Then, give each client one or two hours and close the store for them. Set a couple of clients for that special day!


Build brand loyalty with inspirational content

Inspire people with your content. Don’t just post about your products; inspire them to read your content with particular messages. Make them laugh, feel your happiness, and even your struggles. People want to know the human part of you. This action will connect you on an emotional level with your clients. It is essential to be as natural and honest as you can. If you need to learn how to do great moving and inspiring content, we at Zona Shoppers can do it for you.


Solve the common doubts of your customers

All customers may come to a time when they may doubt your products. Only let customers go with a clear understanding of your product’s features. Show them you care about their needs and want to help solve their problems. Answer all their questions and invite them to try your products. Tell them about your return and refund policy. Offer a full refund and free return shipping; these are the best way to gain a purchase.


Don't Forget About Google

  Google is a great tool to promote your products. Learn to use it to promote your products and brand. If you have a physical store, use Google My Business to have everything at your fingertips; if you have e-commerce, use it to make your campaigns and check your statistics. No matter your business style Google is your best tool. 

Month 5

Strategy 1

Don't just give information, tell them a story

You must create the best environment, so customers connect to the brand and its products. Provide a story that your target customers can rely upon to help conversion. It can be a short video or an image.

Strategy 2

Surprise your Clients

Surprising your clients with benefits, like a free item or an excellent offer for the next purchase, creates joy for them. Joy is the base for happy and faithful clients. When people are satisfied in a place or a store, they rarely leave for another site.

Strategy  3

Target those Who will Share the Message

  The sender needs to spread a message and increase their clients, and the receiver needs to gain social acceptance and followers. This combination is perfect for making messages and sending them to those you know best to promote your offers. 

Strategy 4

Work on your Referral Program

There is nothing better than having people refer to your brand or products. Those are your real loyal customers. The best way to make a referral program is to let your customers become your partners, so affiliate them.

Strategy 5

Run Photo Contest

This strategy is excellent for increasing views. Ask participants to show a before and after. This type of image increases the chances of convincing others about the greatness of your product. Those offering services, not physical products, ask the participants to show their image while using the service. This strategy is vital to show others that your product works and that others have used it. To increase the buzz, prize those with the best image.

Strategy 6

Make a Comparative Challenge

If your product exceeds the qualities of your competitor, then make a challenge against them. Ask your clients why your product and services are better than your competitors. The challenge promotes confidence and is a great strategy to attract prospective customers. If there are negative comments, prove why your product is better than the competition. Give accurate data that certifies why your product is better than the competitors. Never start a controversy with a client; always be polite, but sure your product is the best.

Strategy 7

Play Bingo

Play with your customers! You can play any game, make a draw, or call out numbers. This strategy is excellent for keeping your new and not those repeated customers visiting your store. You can offer any prize you think is best for them. Remember, the idea of service is for the client, not you. Use the order number or receipt to play bingo. Set a day and time to call out the numbers. You can call as many numbers as you want.

Strategy 8

Make a Product Blog

Use a blog to present the best qualities of your products and how those qualities improve the life of customers.  You can also use the blog to suggest complementary products.  Include professional images, videos, and even interviews. Finally, you can use the blog to introduce yourself and narrate your story with the products.  

Month 6

Strategy 1

Use the Magic of Memes to Promote your Product and brand!

Memes are a great way to call clients’ attention through laughter. However, don’t misinterpret laughing as making fun of your products. You are damaging your brand by making fun of your product, so let’s avoid that. Memes are great for funny phrases or funny situations. The best way to use memes is to explain complex concepts through simple ideas relying on the meme image. Memes can go viral, which gives you a significant advantage over the competition. Use them wisely and direct them to your target.

Strategy 2

Grab the Attention

Today’s competition for the customer’s attention is fierce. The average number of images and messages a customer sees daily is between 3 to 5 thousand. Yes, thousands! So, what is the best way to be noticed by prospectus clients; well, robust marketing. Robust marketing is engaging your client through various campaigns—more than just simple messages here and there. To compete with other brands, you must do complete marketings that include fantastic imagery, emotional engagement, excellent product features, and further details. In addition, you need to be consistent when calling the clients’ attention. One campaign in social media is not going to do the trick. Remember, the customer needs to see the brand at least seven (7) times before deciding.

Strategy 3

Make a TV Commercial

You may be unsure if you can pay for this strategy, but nowadays, it is very affordable to make a TV commercial. You can do it with some simple free tools. Make your script, set the images, find a catchy song, and go for it! If you are unsure, don’t worry; we at Zona Shoppers can help you.

Strategy 4

Play with the Seasonal Images

Don’t you love Christmas, perhaps Summer? First, use the season that best helps you promote and sell your products. Then, design a whole campaign based on the season and engage the customers in your message. Finally, keep the movement by posting images and messages that cause a buzz.

Strategy 5

Use Sharable Coupons

Use sharable coupons to grow your client base:

  1. Select satisfied clients from your list of buyers.
  2. Invite them to play Sharable Coupons.
  3. Give the participant a coupon with a specific number.

If the person shares the coupon and at least 5 people purchase something, the participant receives something free. 

Strategy 6

Do a Party!

It is time to celebrate.  Invite some of your customers (invite friends and family if you don’t have any) and make a live party.  Show the cyber viewers how good it is to be part of your team of customers.  Take advantage and invite them to become your affiliates.

Strategy 7

Invite other Sellers to Collaborate with You

Another great way to sell your items is by getting together with other brands and selling things that complement yours. You can set a couple of monthly meetings to collaborate and increase sales. Both brands will increase clients.

Strategy 8

Make TikTok Challenges

TikTok is a great tool. Use it for challenges, campaigns, and competitions. It is not just for youth; many brands are using it for different age targets.

How to Work a Strategy?

Each strategy takes time to develop. It would be best to have a series of steps to establish great results. Each step needs its own set of tactics. Check the planner!

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