
For most people, seed keywords are short-tail keywords with high volume and competitiveness. However, seed keywords are much more than just “keywords.” They are the footing for effective content development and high SEO ranking. In addition, those words are the most crucial point of reference for creating long-tail keywords, helping you design and mature opportunities and optimization.

What are Seed Keywords?

Seed keywords are short and general keywords that typically consist of one or two words. They are broad in nature and have high search volumes but also high competition in terms of SEO ranking. Seed keywords serve as the foundation for developing more specific and targeted long-tail keywords. On the other hand, there are other terms we need to mention to help you comprehend this topic much better. 

  1. Modifiers: Seed keywords may or may not include modifiers. Modifiers are additional words or phrases added to the seed keyword to create more specific and long-tail keyword variations.

  2. Purpose of Seed Keywords: The main purpose of seed keywords is to serve as a foundation for developing new keywords and optimizing your website. By adding modifiers and creating long-tail keyword variations, you can target specific search queries and potentially improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

  3. Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific and typically longer phrases that include modifiers. These keywords often have lower search volumes but are more targeted and have less competition compared to seed keywords. Using long-tail keywords allows you to target a more niche audience and potentially achieve higher rankings.

For example, using the seed keyword “motorcycle helmet” may be challenging to rank for due to high competition. However, by adding modifiers such as “best motorcycle helmet for women” or “affordable motorcycle helmet with Bluetooth,” you create long-tail keyword variations that are more specific and may have less competition, making it easier to rank for those specific search queries.

Overall, seed keywords serve as a starting point for keyword research and optimization, and by adding modifiers, you can create more specific and targeted long-tail keywords to improve your SEO efforts.

How To Select The Right Seed Keywords

Selecting the right seed keywords is indeed an important step in keyword research and optimization. However, it is essential to note that seed keywords are not necessarily limited to high monthly search volume and competitiveness. Seed keywords can be any short-tail keywords that are relevant to your site’s content and target audience.

The focus should be on choosing keywords that accurately reflect your site’s content and add value to your audience. These keywords should align with your long-term goals, including SEO ranking. It is advisable to look for keywords that are related to your products or services and build modifiers around those words to make your content more specific.

Method 1: Content-Related Topics:

  1. Choose seed keywords that are directly relevant to the main topics or themes of your website’s content. These keywords should accurately reflect the subject matter or core focus of your web pages.

Method 2: Words to Describe Your Products or Services:

Include keywords that describe the specific products or services you offer. These keywords should capture the essence of what you provide and align with the language your target audience uses when searching for similar offerings.

Method 3: Keywords Suggested by Google:

Utilize Google’s search suggestions and autocomplete feature to discover potential seed keywords. As you type relevant terms into the search bar, Google provides suggested keywords that are frequently searched by users. These suggestions can help you identify relevant keywords to include in your list.

Method 4: Competitor Analysis:

Analyze the keywords used by your competitors in their content. Look for keywords they are targeting and successfully ranking for. This can provide insights into keywords that are relevant to your industry or niche and can be potential seed keywords for your own content.

  1. Visit your competition’s blogs and social media.
  2. Read the comments that people leave.
  3. Use them to create your list of seed keywords.

Another important aspect of this method is that it will help you further understand users’ needs.

Why are Seed Keywords important for SEO?

Keywords are the best alternative to achieve success in your SEO ranking. You may think otherwise, but using keywords opens the door to developing better content. In other words, it gives you a clue to produce solutions to the user’s needs.

The seed keywords provide the foundation for generating more relevant long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords impact the content’s features without getting into the dense competition. In addition, it allows content optimization, a very well-accepted SEO strategy.

  1. Importance of Keywords: Keywords serve as a key component in SEO ranking as they help search engines understand the relevance of your content to users’ search queries. By strategically incorporating relevant keywords into your content, you can increase the visibility of your website and attract targeted organic traffic.

  2. Seed Keywords and Long-Tail Keywords: Seed keywords form the foundation for generating more specific and targeted long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that have lower search volume but are highly relevant to a particular topic or query. They allow you to focus on a narrower and less competitive search space, increasing your chances of ranking higher in search results for specific user intents.

  3. Content Optimization: Seed keywords help guide the optimization of your content. By incorporating relevant long-tail keywords derived from seed keywords, you can create content that aligns closely with user needs and search intent. This optimization strategy increases the likelihood of search engines ranking your content higher for targeted queries, leading to improved visibility and organic traffic.

  4. Unique and Relevant Keywords: Generating long-tail keywords from seed keywords provides an opportunity to develop unique and highly relevant keywords that are tailored to your target audience and SEO goals. By understanding the users’ needs and search behavior, you can create content that specifically addresses their queries, leading to better user engagement and improved SEO performance.


Keywords serve as the foundation for effective content development in SEO. They provide the footing upon which successful optimization strategies are built. Starting with seed keywords, marketers can expand their keyword lists and uncover relevant long-tail variations that align with user intent. By incorporating these keywords strategically throughout their content, businesses can enhance their visibility in search engine rankings and attract targeted organic traffic. Keywords act as a compass, guiding content creators to produce valuable solutions that meet user needs. Therefore, understanding the importance of keywords and leveraging them in content development is essential for achieving SEO success and driving meaningful engagement with the target audience.

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