
How does Customer Journey Analytics work?

Customer Journey Analytics

Analytics is the method that helps us see, understand, and share information that we would otherwise overlook. Therefore, you can define customers’ actions using the customer journey funnel alone with web analytics and CRM.
That is, customer Journey Analytics takes effect when customers interact with touchpoints and different channels. Above all, the primary purpose is to detail customers’ interactions with brands. As such, those details offer essential information on how companies can close the gap on CXs.
The following steps show how to use analytics on the customer journey.

Step 1. Examine the customer journey funnel

  •  The customer journey funnel is a detailed map that outlines all the touchpoints that take the customers until becoming paying clients. 


  •  Consumer journey analytics is the most powerful tool to increase customer lifetime value.
  • Includes analysis of each touchpoint   
  • Other aspects to take in consideration: 
    • know the best time to engage a particular customer;
    • use the best channel to engage with your customer segment or ideal client;
    • define the best touchpoints are best for your business; 
    • identify the potential customer with higher potential to become your buyer and eventually a loyal customer. 

Step 2. Segment the funnel, this is, breaking it into phases

  • Those phases are: 
        1. awareness 
        2. interest 
        3. engagement 
        4. purchase 
        5. retention
  • Small businesses have a hard time competing for a space in the market. We use specialized systems for more efficient outcomes and services.
  • Awareness is the main phase for your business. We impulse local growth to empower your brand. 
  • You need to focus on:
    • sales strategies,
    • Design opportunities for conversion of new customer,
    • tactics for leads conversion rates,
    • price strategies,
    • closing strategies.

Step 3. Take each phase and define KPIs for each one of them.

    • KPIs mean Key Performance Indicators. 
      1. They are the vital trail towards achieving planned outcomes. 
      2. The KPIs are used to design detailed strategies to track specific actions. 
      3. The wished result is to convert a potential customer into a paying client. 
  • Design attractive content to call the attention of the potential customers
  • Define your ideal buyer to make better marketing campaigns and increase conversion
  • Develop strategies to promote loyal customers as they will maintain revenue
  • Work on conversion from the beginning:
    •  develop the sense of loyalty or belonging
    •  conversion through great experiences
    •  delivery service through a memorable moment 
    •  constant reach and add value to the contact time 

Step 4. Set a specific method for each KPI

Set a specific method for each KPI to manage the progress on each of them. Here, this process defines and tracks focus methods to promote a potential customer’s interaction with them.  

    • The process of managing focus KPIs strategies lead you to two indicators: 
      1. Leading KPIs indicators reveal where you’re likely to go; they predict future success.
      2. Lagging KPI indicators refer to measuring what you have already achieved. In other words, it reveals how successful the business was at achieving results in the past. 
  • A business is not just to sell products. There is much more behind the title of small business owner. Maintaining sales, looking for customers, making shipments, and checking inventory are just things you must work on.
  • For a business to prosper, you have to analyze data, study buyer behavior, analyze new sales strategies, be aware of price analysis, anticipate future discrepancies; and so on.
  • To achieve success, it is necessary to have a plan in place.
image customer journey analytics

Step 5. How to analyze the data

Set how you are planning on analyzing your data. Most people use Google Analytics, but there are plenty of software dedicated to this job.


Strategize to optimize your offers, tactics, and approaches through your product’s sales period. Constant evolution, selection of the correct customer, and service excellence are three essential aspects of keeping revenue. 

Step 6. Define your KPIs methods

Make a list of all the methods to use in each KPI. First, of course, you need to define those that best apply to your industry based on the previous analysis. But let’s start from the premise that you don’t have any prior research. Then making a list of things people will be interested in knowing will be your best step. 

    • Marketers use these types of methods to provoke interaction (a few examples):
      1. landing page
      2. signup for news
      3.  downloads of documents
      4. webinar


It is best to have a great understanding of managing and analyzing data. 

How to Optimize your Customer Experience for your Customer Journey Analytics

  1. Use language that your target audience can understand
  2. Your site should be
    1. easy to navigate
    2. must have a concept
    3. fast and responsive design
  3. Integrate high-quality compressed images (JPEG) 
  4. Make scannable content
  5. Utilize SEO keywords
  6. Design content to attract your target audience
  7. Employ different ads for various promotions
  8. Add CTA (call-to-action) buttons
  9. Provide incentives: ebook, webinar, news, unique information, etc. 
  10. Work on WOM (word of mouth) referrals
  11. Use multiple channels (tv, social media, emails, etc.)
  12. Include testimonials
  13. Add videos to campaigns, websites, and promotions
  14. Avoid force signups

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