
Zona Shoppers’ Offensive Products policies apply to all products except historical presentations on books, music, video, and DVD.

Zona Shoppers does not allow products that promote, incite, or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance or promote organizations with such views. We will also remove listings that graphically portray violence or victims of violence.

Offensive Products Prohibited on Zona Shoppers

  • Products presenting violent or offensive material that has no historical significance. Zona Shoppers will decide on the historical content, if any.
  • Products that promote, incite, or glorify hate or violence towards any person or group include clothing, books, DVDs, or any other material. Zona Shoppers will decide on the historical content, if any.
  • Products that promote or glorify suicide.
  • Products that promote intolerance based on race, religion, and sexual orientation.
  • Products that contain racially derogatory language.
  • Products related to a terrorist organization.
  • Products that promote or glorify people found guilty of violent or sexual crimes, including books, DVDs, music, etc.
  • Products related to human tragedies and natural disasters.
  • Products that depict child abuse/exploitation.
  • Products intended for use by children that contains adult content, profanity, and/or sexual references.
  • Products depicting children or characters resembling children in a sexually suggestive manner.
  • Products marketed to or targeted at kids or teenagers that are age-inappropriate.

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