
How to Make Your Product's Picture Shine on Instagram


Instagram is one of the most powerful platforms for social content. It can transform a stranger into a superstar. But, of course, you can do the same for your product. So first, you need to understand that Instagram uses the two most powerful tools used for thousands of years (since prehistoric), sight and hearing. So yes, sight and hearing are the most powerful tools you have on Instagram.

Why use sight and hearing? 

Using sight and hearing as senses to sell products and experiences remotely is effective because they are the primary senses that can be stimulated from a distance, unlike touch, taste, and smell, which require closer sensory experiences. Let’s focus on the sense of sight.

Our sense of sight is responsible for perceiving almost 80% of the information we receive. While sight itself is a transmitter, it is our brain that processes the images we see. Sight allows us to collect visual information and make sense of it.

To use sight to our advantage in selling products, we need to create a connection between what the viewer sees and their memory. The brain’s acceptance or rejection of an image is based on the viewer’s past experiences. Keep in mind that each person’s perception of an image can differ based on their unique experiences. However, by employing various strategies, we can influence their emotions and responses to what they see.

Understanding the capabilities of sight is crucial. Our sense of sight enables us to perceive shapes, distance, movement, color, heat, and depth. It also plays a significant role in connecting us with our surroundings. It’s important to note that sight and the brain work in tandem, like an octopus with its head representing the brain and the tentacles representing our senses. They rely on each other to gather information. In the case of blind individuals, they rely on their other senses to establish connections.

To make your product stand out using sight, consider the following:

  1. Use lighting strategically: Lighting can create different moods, highlight specific features, and evoke emotions. Experiment with natural and artificial lighting to find the best way to showcase your product.

  2. Choose colors wisely: Colors have psychological associations and can influence the viewer’s perception. Select colors that align with your brand and evoke the desired emotions.

  3. Pay attention to composition: Framing and arranging the elements in your image can guide the viewer’s focus and create visual appeal. Experiment with different compositions to find what works best for your product.

  4. Show your product in action: Utilize movement or dynamic visuals to demonstrate how your product is used or its benefits. This can create a stronger connection with the viewer and increase their interest.

  5. Leverage visual storytelling: Use images to tell a story that resonates with your target audience. This can engage them emotionally and create a deeper connection with your brand.

Remember, sight is just one aspect of the overall sensory experience. When selling products remotely, it’s important to also consider other senses like hearing, which can be used to complement the visual experience. By combining sight and hearing effectively, you can create a compelling and immersive experience for your audience, increasing the chances of selling your product.

Start with the lighting. 


  1.  I imagine you are going to say, “but that is not one of the perceptions of sight.” No, it is not, but it is the base for the perceptions. Without light, what are you going to have; darkens! We need light to perceive things, and the way we perceive things is through the different types of lights. Check this out.  

Light alters the way we perceive colors.

For example, natural light depends on the weather. The colors you see during winter are not as bright as the ones in summer, so seasonal light changes the perception of colors. Also, artificial light changes our capacity to distinguish colors. What you see using a candle is different from what you see under the sun. As such, we perceive colors differently, which affects the way we perceive, in this case, products. For example, 

  • Use light to evoke emotions. For example, use warm light to emphasize something. Warm light is associated with summer, days, or fire, so the brain correlates warm light with lively situations.  
  • The direction of the light also alters the image. The shadows that form when you change the light also change the brain’s image perspective. It can change the idea from a lovely bright scene to a mysterious, horrifying image.   
  • The intensity of light can alter how the brain gets the dimensions of something. For example, to add power or mystery, use direct sunlight, creating darkness and shadows; for a softer sensation, use smooth lighting.


They have a significant impact on the customer’s decision-making. According to neuroscientists, there is an excellent correlation between colors and emotions. 

Colors can change the behavior of individuals, affecting the purchase decision over a product.  

 The colors influence the stimuli of a person over a product. The most vital decision inducer when purchasing a product is the color. About 85% of consumers place color as the main reason for purchase decisions over any other persuader. The rest of the senses receive very little attention; sound 1%, smell 1%, texture 6% except for sight: visual appearance 93%.

Marketers know that colors influence the way customers perceive brands. They also know that colors can change the emotional connections between brands and consumers. As such, they understand the influence of colors over a brand’s identity. 

Here are some details to understand the importance of color over your brand and products.  

  • Colors improve brand recognition by 80%
  • A color is a powerful tool for design, and it is based on the location of the consumer. For example, people from Europe or Asia have different colors than North America or South America. 
  • Each color has a different emotional effect; here is the list of e-commerce customers in North America:
    • Yellow: confident and youthful; often used to catch the attention of window shoppers.
    • Red: energy; increases heart rate; creates urgency; often seen in clearance sales, fast foods, outlet malls.
    • Blue: generates the sensational of trust and safety; often seen with banks and larger department stores
    • Green: correlated with affluent; the easiest color for the eyes to process; used to unwind.  
    • Orange: aggressive; creates a call to action: subscribe, buy or sell
    • Pink: romantic and feminine; used to market products to women and young girls, including clothing stores
    • Black: Powerful and sleek; used to market luxury products.
    • Purple: used for ease and calm; often seen in beauty or anti-aging products
Tilt-shift Effect

Did you know that using the tilt-shift effect improves product visibility by approximately 28%? 

It is a great tool to engage customers in the product. Using the tilt effect can direct the view towards a specific image component, causing an eye-catching strategy. Unlikely regular photos, you make the customer or viewer focus directly on the product when using this method.  

Tunnel Vision Effect

Have you ever heard of tunnel vision? Well, let’s create one. To cause this effect, the sightlines, which are the natural point your eyes are drawn to, should be on the customer’s eye level. So, if you’re uploading a picture, make sure you’re using the tunnel effect photo strategy to make your product the star of the image.  


Add a video on the background, or make the product be the main character of the video. Again, the usage of movement helps to call the individual’s attention. So, more movement! 

Picture techniques

There are so many techniques you can use to take great pictures. Get good in at least five to ten of them. Find examples of how to make a specific technique. Make your own. Best of all, most cell phone cameras are so advanced that you don’t need special equipment. Check this article; I think you would like it. Techniques – 10 Characteristics of Great Photos  


The best way you can transform your product’s image is by using your imagination. You know what is best for your product more than any other person, so be brave and use it. The most crucial element you need to remember is to keep your product as your main attraction.  

Sounds in Marketing 

Sounds are the vocal of the products. It counts for 99% of all brand information. Just like sight, sound evokes an emotional connection with the consumer. You need to adjust your sounds, messages, and music to your target market. Young people have a different style than more mature individuals. According to Psychology Today, more impulsive shopping is done while listening to music. A unique sound also helps customers associate brands with products, such as the Intel sound, Netflix, Amazon, etc. These sounds allow people to remember and make an emotional connection with your product. 

Emotional connections lead to loyal customers and more revenue. 

Use these techniques to make your image the best one on Instagram.  Learn more every day.  Visit sites for photography, get inspired by others, and come up with your ideas.  Whatever you do differently from others will always put you ahead.  

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