
Electronic Communication Policy

All communication between customers and vendors must be only through electronic communications. Vendors can also communicate with Zona Shoppers’ team through electronic communications. Like all other Zona Shoppers rules, this policy is part of the Term of Use. 

Information Between all users and between users and Zona Shoppers

  •  All information must be professional.              
  •  All information must be only relevant to the product or products.              
  • No personal data must be exchanged between the parts.                    
  • Once all inquiries have been satisfied, all communications must end.          
  • Payments through electronic communications are prohibited.           
  • If you need regular help from the Zona Shoppers team, you can send as many inquiries as required. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Note: you can request to be removed from receiving Electronic Communications. This action will take effect after Zona Shoppers has had a reasonable period to process the requests, which can be up to a maximum of 5 months. After the withdrawal, all communication must be done through the mail, which will incur expenses and fees for the person. Zona Shoppers reserves the right to cancel all services after requesting to withdraw from Electronic Communication. 

Last updated in August 2020

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