
Why Using Human Senses is so Important for Branding?

Brands are developed for human consumption; even when the brand’s products may be used for other purposes, like cars, animals, houses, the person is the target. While there are thousands of theories about branding appealing to consumers, one popular method used by the most important companies is sensory branding.  

Sensory branding uses human’s five senses to get close to the customers. Through using human senses, you’re getting in touch with the consciousness of the people. Here you will learn about human senses and marketing. 

Image of marketing sensorial

Why Using Senses for Marketing?

Sensory marketing is a successful advertising technique to the human senses and influences their behavior. Sensory marketing is based on how a brand makes you feel and how it impacts personal decision-making over purchasing a product. But, of course, every time we use our senses, our brain accumulates experiences. These experiences help us define the likes or dislikes of certain things surrounding us.   

How Marketers Use Senses?

Marketers use senses to develop campaigns that help brands connect with deep emotions within a specific target population. The correct use of the senses within marketing can trigger an emotional connection with whom it receives it.  

So, the brand is not just a name; it’s an environment of meaningful sensorial strategies that help customers get attached to particular desires, flavors, feelings, sounds, pleasures, and in some instances, even textures. 

The marketer makes sure there is a visual connection between the brand and the consumer through logos. Every time the consumer sees the logo, it should bring good emotional memories about the brand. This is something that takes time and consistency. It is like a good relationship where two people get to know each other.  

Sense of Hearing: slogans

 The use of slogans is our attachment to our hearing sense. Through tones and particular rhythms, people can transport themselves to specific sensorial satisfactions. If the slogans are done correctly, they should stay in the consumer’s memory for a long time. On the other hand, if the slogan is associated with negative thinking, consumers opt to forget about it and find new positive emotions.  

Taste Sense

Unique flavors are based on taste sense. Nothing better than McDonald’s fries! By defining a unique flavor, you reinforce the brand to the customer. You can go anywhere in the world with a McDonald’s, and the taste is the same. No matter where you go, the flavor is still the same. So, they know they have a great responsibility in keeping that sensorial connection. 

Undoubtedly, e-commerce has brought a distance between what we can touch and feel. Still, brands like Lush are the cleverest in using this technique to allure their customers. Once you get in the store, you know you better get ready for a unique experience. They let you touch their merchandise so that it can trigger a special connection with your mind.  

Not only that, but they also use smell like one of their most essential tactics. Do you know that smell is the sense that lasts the longest on the brain? Perhaps Coco Channel No.5 is the best example of this tactic. No matter where you are, once you have had a taster of the fragrance, you will be able to recognize it anywhere. No wonder the excellent brand positioning!

image marketing sensorial chart

Making a Unique Sense Per Brand

Sensory branding involves the use of senses but with a specific objective.

Traditional marketing was too rational, where the consumer is seen as a sensible individual with preselected or predefined actions. Thus, the truth is that humans are very complex creatures. Many aspects influence the behavior of people. 

Once sensory marketing evolved, the main idea of marketing was based on the experience of the consumers’ feelings and emotional processes. By focusing on the emotional aspect of the consumer, the door for sensorial marketing opened.

The marketers understand that perception and pleasure are more important than price. Thus, the era of defining products by their sensory qualities came to stay.

Now marketers were able to determine one place from another based on flavors, smells, tactile, sight, nevertheless in specific experiences based on the consumers’ senses. So, using senses to make a unique experience demarcates the marketing process not just of large corporations but also of starting businesses.  

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