
Where to find trending products to sell?

Trending products are a plus only if you are one of the few who first introduce them to the market. Therefore, it is necessary to know about the latest trends.

New products have little data or enough recognition to become trendy immediately, and the lack of information cannot foresee longevity. Therefore, to produce a fashionable product, you need to do great marketing to push the trend.    

Fortunately, there are sites dedicated to indicating how well something is selling or will sell. First, however, you need to spend some time researching how a product is doing and figuring out how you can make the product a trend. 

Luckily, significant sites other than Google Trends also offer a rich knowledge of how products are doing on the market, which helps you reduce the time of research.  

Here is a list of sites that will help you find potential trending products for your store. 
  • Think with Google: t’s an interactive tool that shows you the top trending retail categories along with the top search queries related to those categories. 
  • Trend Hunter: a global online community that pursues to share and inspire the newest trends.
  • TrendWatching: the world’s leading consumer trend firms. They have a network of 1,700+ spotters in over 80 countries looking for promising consumer trends and innovations. They have a presence in Amsterdam, Berlin, Singapore, and New York. 
  • Springwise: they find and examine the newest innovations worldwide and present them in a newsletter full of free new trend data.
  • Ecomhunt: a site where trending products are added daily
  • Uncrate and Bless This Stuff are popular consumer product blogs and magazines of trendy men’s products.
  • PSFK: Its main objective is to provide the latest insights so you can stay ahead of the curve. It is a membership-based platform that offers personalized trends intelligence & research to retail, strategy, and innovation teams. 
  • Niche Finder: Niche Finder is a website that helps you find profitable niches to sell in. They have a database of over 300,000 niches, and they provide you with information on the demand, competition, and profitability of each niche.
  • Product Mafia: The product Mafia is a community of product managers and entrepreneurs. They have a website sharing product ideas, trends, and case studies.
  • Jungle Scout: Jungle Scout is a product research tool that helps you find profitable products to sell on Amazon. They have a database of over 700 million products, and they provide information on each product’s demand, competition, and profitability.
  • Helium 10: Helium 10 is another product research tool that helps you find profitable products to sell on Amazon. They have a database of over 100 million products, and they provide you with information on the demand, competition, and profitability of each product.
  • CamelCamelCamel: CamelCamelCamel is a price-tracking website that helps you track the prices of products on Amazon. This can be helpful when you are trying to find the best price for a product that you want to sell.

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