
How to Trim Shipping Cost Here and There

Finding ways to cut costs is a challenging task for small businesses owners. There is so much they have to do to keep up with their day-to-day, and now, finding a way to reduce expenses makes anyone’s day a nightmare. All businesses are battling to trim shipping costs to benefit the consumers. But what if I tell you that it is easier than you think. 

Look at these approaches to save you a few dollars here and there.  

image of shipping costs

1. Get Free Supplies

You need to save as much as possible, and it is silly to spend money on shipping supplies when the carriers give them free. The only action you need to do is open an account with one of the major carriers. Then, check which one gives you more advantages for your business. There is more information on How to Get Free Shipping Supplies.

2. Start Your Bargain

Call each one of the major carriers and local. Significant carriers often offer better service than small carriers, but local pages will give you more personalized service than the big ones. It all depends on what you are looking for. Anyway, talk to all of them. Estimate how many packages you will be sent per month; even when you don’t get to the number, give them a number. Shipping companies base their number on volumes. They already know the average number of starting companies, medium companies, or large corporations. Don’t let that intimidate you, bargain with them at a reasonable rate for your shipments. For example, you can tell them you are a small business with a volume of about 30 packages per month. If they refuse to do business (which I doubt), move on to the next carrier.   

3. Click n Ship

Click n Ship is a service provided by the USPS. This is an online service similar to in-store. The difference is that you can save a percentage by using online payment. 

The other advantage is to have an in-location pick-up. This means you set the time and the postal person picks up the packages at your location. Great, don’t you think? Right there, you save in gas and time. This service is not so beneficial for single package use, but for bulks. If you are sending 10,20,30, or more packages per week or month, this service is excellent for you.  

Check out the prices   

Express Mail Retail and Online Pricing


Zones: Local, 1, & 2 (up to 150 miles)

With Online Discount

Zone 3
(150–300 miles)

With Online Discount

1/2 lb





1 lb





2 lbs





3 lbs





Priority Mail Retail and Online Pricing


Zones: Local, 1, & 2 (up to 150 miles)

With Online Discount

Zone 3
(150–300 miles)

With Online Discount

1 lb





2 lbs





3 lbs





Flat-Rate Retail and Online Pricing


Domestic Flat Rate

With Online Discount

Priority Mail Flat-Rate Envelope



Priority Mail Flat-Rate Box



New Large Priority Mail Flat-Rate Box



Express Mail Flat-Rate Envelope



4. Use Prepaid Shipping Return Labels

All carriers offer prepaid shipping labels. You will have this service no matter where you go, FedEx, UPS, USPS, or DHL. Using prepaid labels is of great use when controlling your shipping costs through a pivot table. (Define your Average Shipping Costs) (ASC) How To Add Shipping Cost to the Products, the Effortlessness Math.  

  • This service is excellent for maintaining control of the return’s expenses
  • Increase customer satisfaction and trust by knowing they don’t have to pay for returns
  • You can receive better rates based on bundle purchases

5. Give Your Account number

It would be best to tell the providers to use your shipment account instead of theirs. This is the best way to control the expenses. But unfortunately, the providers cannot charge extra for services. 

Also, it pushes the volume of shipments opening the door for better rates.  

6. Do You Need Insurance?

If you’re selling high-tech or luxury products, it is logical to add insurance to the shipping. Losing a costly package hurt in the pocket. But if your package has a lower cost than the insurance price, why invest in that? Some business owners have the habit of insurance everything, but they are paying more and increasing their expenses.  

Even when you need insurance, shop around. Most parcel insurance companies are cheaper than carriers’ insurance. Just don’t give up looking for savings, every penny count.  


7. Ship Closer to Home

Shipping further from your point of service is going to be more expensive. Select a region or a radio close to your location or warehouse until you have a more robust business. Sometimes, you will have the occasional buyer from far away who wants your products; there is no problem with that, but don’t make it a habit if you are starting. This will eat your earnings in a flash. Compare the shipping rates and make sure you can pay for the shipping cost without going broke.  

The carriers already did this for you; they divided the routes per zones. They also have an established price for each zone. You need to be aware of the price and how to incorporate those costs into the product. Remember, you need to stay competitive, and keeping costs under control is one of the clues.  


8. Avoid Heavy Packages

 If you are not using Flat Rate Shipping, the best suggestion is to keep the weight under control. Heavy packages cost more. The best way to keep this cost under control is to purchase a postage scale, not your kitchen scale.  

9. Use the Correct Package

Many businesses owner use the wrong package to send the products, either due to lack of time to get new supplies, the supplies took longer than anticipated, or because they don’t know that the dimensions of the packages are essential. If you are shipping a small item, then use a small box. Envelopes are even better because they are the cheapest package method. Poly envelopes help you protect your goods and save you money. The best way to find the proper shipping container is to measure your items. For example, if you’re sending clothing, use envelopes. If you’re sending something like a box, measure your package by the width, height, and length. After measuring the container and weighing the merchandise, you will have a better idea of your price per shipment.  

10. Don’t Link to Just One Carrier

Businesses are like Lego pieces; you can change and make a new figure. In this case, you can change suppliers to offer better services. Sometimes business ‘owners feel they need to be loyal to certain suppliers to have the best service when the truth is you need to be faithful to your business. The market is full of offers; you need to find the offer that best suits your needs. You cannot go through mixing friendship and business. That doesn’t work. Instead, please find the best shipping carrier for you by comparing the rates they offer. Call them and explain your situation, sometimes they have special offers you didn’t even know about. Be on top of cutting expenses.  

11. Don’t Be Afraid to Try New Things

Nowadays is easier to find companies for shipment and fulfillment offering great rates. How can they do it? Well, the rate of shipments is based on volume. The more volume a company has, the lower the price of shipping. For example, shipping companies like,,, are just a few companies offering free trials. Like these are plenty of other companies willing to let you try their services.   

12. Distribution Centers or Fulfillment

A fulfillment center is different from a warehouse. It is a physical place where you send your products, and a third-party logistic (3PL) takes care of the distribution. The objective is to process online orders promptly and easy eCommerce companies or business owners from this task. Logistics is not a simple step; it takes lots of planning and hands-on work to produce efficiency. If you’re managing many products or large quantities of goods, consider using a 3PL.  

These logistic companies offer great shipping rates and time due to the volume of orders they manage daily. 

This is not for the few items business. 

There are other expenses to consider, like warehouse storing fees or shipping management fees; it depends on the 3PL you use.  

***check the proper shipping company for proper shipping rates

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