
Zona Shoppers Shipping Information

Zona Shoppers Shipping System

Zona Shoppers is not in charge of shipping products, and neither we offer fulfillment. We offer a platform (e-commerce) for vendors (either local or international) can sell their products to consumers in an orderly manner. The vendors are responsible for the packaging and shipping of their products. Vendors, in some instances, are third-party sales representatives of brands and products not allocated in the US. This type of service is called dropshipping and recalls for extra time when delivering the products. Even when the vendor is doing dropshipping, they are still responsible for the service and product offered to customers. It is imperative to provide a quality and smooth service to customers.   Other vendors with locations outside the US may sell products to US customers. Those types of vendors are so-called “international vendors.” International vendors have the same responsibility of offering outstanding service to customers. International vendors and drop shippers are also responsible for all products sold and delivered.

Shipping Products

When a vendor uses the services of the Zona Shoppers platform, you are legally bound to:

    1. Provide your vendor’s information: name of store or business, accurate address, and a contact form.
    2. Specify your processing time: how long before you ship the products.
    3. Specify your shipping costs: you need to specify on your store the type of shipping you offer; it can be free shipping or regular shipping fees.
    4. When you use the manual shipping process Zona Shoppers offers, you need to verify you can provide the service; otherwise, you will be charged and penalized for the misuse and misrepresentation.
    5. Provide the price if you are charging for delivery; when using your manual shipping method, you need to specify on your store the price you will charge for handling and delivering the products.
    6. Provide the conditions of the product before shipping: new, used, refurbished, manufactured, refurbished, with a warranty or without warranty.
    7. You need to send the sold products no more than seven (7) days after purchase, whether you are dropshipping, international, or local. You need to verify products with low processing time to comply with this norm and give a tracking number to prove such time.
    8. You, the vendor,  need to verify all custom regulations, charges, and fees. Also, you need to be aware you are not breaking a shipping company rule when sending your products. Each company has its procedures and list of prohibited items. Please verify before sending your packages, especially for international deliveries  USPS, FedEx, UPS, Canada Post, Royal Mail, and Correos de Mexico.
    9. Once you send the package, you need to provide shipping tracking and mark the product as shipped (processed & shipped).
    10. The vendor cannot change the shipping price right before sending the merchandise. There is no method to overcharge the customers, so please, it will be money you will not recover.
    11. International vendors should use Realtime shipping costs to avoid under or overcharges.
    12. Zona Shoppers charge all shipping labels from the proceeds of your sales. Therefore, we are not adding fees for processing shipping services, but it doesn’t mean we will not change this policy in the future.
    13. The tracking number is the method used to collect the pertinent information from the shipping carrier. This protects you and the customer in future disputes. For example, if an order is missing from the delivery, the tracking number is your evidence of shipping. Even though we encourage you to resend another product to satisfy the customer, remember that it will cost you more to find a new client than to keep the one you have happy!
    14. If the product has a value of over $250.00 (or the amount you think is appropriate for your business), it is suggested to insure the shipping.

Zona Shoppers Shipping Labels Services

Sellers using the real-time shipping method (offered by Zona Shoppers) are eligible to purchase shipping labels for all companies. Those using manual methods are not part of the service.

When using Zona Shoppers Label Services, you agree to:

    1. All shipping labels must be used to ship merchandise offered only on the Zona Shoppers platform.
    2. You cannot resale the shipping labels; remember, they will be discounted from your account.
    3. The labels may include the Zona Shoppers’ name as per the shipping companies, but you must also include the name of your business.
    4. You are responsible for verifying the label, and the packaging is in excellent condition before shipping the merchandise.
    5. You need to verify your merchandise agrees with the shipping company’s policies you are using.
    6. Zona Shoppers reserves the right to block the use of shipping labels to any vendor under specific circumstances, including all previous ones.
    7. The customer cannot claim Zona Shoppers for delays, breakage, or missing packages as it is not part of our services.
    8. By using labels from the different companies providing shipping services on Zona Shoppers, you, the vendor, agree to verify and obey all the norms, regulations, and policies of the shipping carrier/s, regardless of whether you are using real-time or manual rate services.
    9. If you use shipping insurance or any other special services by any of the offered shipping companies, you are responsible for the charges.
    10. You can offer free returns and send the prepaid label. Remember, the label will not be charged if the customer doesn’t send the merchandise.

 Zona Shoppers Shipping Fees

The cost of the label is related to the origin, destination, weight, taxes, mail class, package dimensions, and package type. All the extras like a signature confirmation, insurance, compensation, fast delivery, or any other service you choose will add costs to the label. All labels are charged in US dollars unless otherwise specified by Zona Shoppers. All charges will be specified in your account. At this moment, Zona Shoppes is not charging any fee for this service; this doesn’t mean that the policy will change in the future. If there is a change in the policy, each vendor will be notified via the platform message service.

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