
Keeping My Account's Information Secure

keeping the account secure

Nowadays, it seems like there are frequent instances of people getting hacked. However, you can ensure that you won’t be one of them by learning how to keep your account safe. It’s crucial to keep your information secure and avoid sharing your password with anyone. Here are some best practices to help you maintain a secure account:

For all customers and vendors, it is essential to follow these guidelines:

  1. Password Security: Your password is the primary defense against unauthorized access. Select a strong password that includes uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols for the best combination of security.

  2. Regular Password Changes: Change your password regularly, preferably every six to twelve months. Don’t wait for a breach to occur; proactively update your password. It may seem tedious, but it’s a crucial step to safeguard your identity and prevent hackers from misusing your information.

  3. Two-Step Verification: Zona Shoppers utilizes Two-Step Verification to enhance the security of all our customers and vendors. This method requires an additional code from your phone when signing into your account. Updating your password reduces the risk of unauthorized access and protects your personal and payment information.

  4. Keep Your Phone Number Updated: Maintaining an up-to-date phone number or cell number on your account is essential. Verifying your account often requires a code sent to your phone.

  5. Multiple Users: If there are multiple users associated with your account, ensure that each user has a unique password consisting of uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Changing passwords every six to twelve months adds an extra layer of security. Additionally, remove access for any unauthorized or inactive users on your account.

  6. Review Notification Settings: Always review your notification settings and stay vigilant against phishing attempts. Zona Shoppers will never request sensitive information like passwords via email. We do not require your personal information or access to it. In case of a password loss, users are responsible for requesting a new email through their account, not Zona Shoppers. If you encounter an issue beyond password-related matters, contact us through proper electronic communication channels: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].


What to do if your account has been compromised:

  • Immediately change your account password.
  • If you are locked out of your account, contact Zona Shoppers immediately at [email protected] or [email protected]. Use “COMPROMISED ACCOUNT” as the subject line.
  • Review all your account information, including email address, payment details, user permissions, storefront details, listings, and descriptions.
  • We recommend changing the email associated with the account and updating the password.
  • Please avoid using accessible or free Wi-Fi networks, which can pose security risks. If you must use free Wi-Fi, consider investing in a VPN.
  • Be cautious of your surroundings, cover your password when entering it, and protect your information.
  • Remember, being aware is crucial for staying safe.

Stay vigilant and follow these guidelines to maintain the security of your Zona Shoppers account.

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