
Understanding search intent is the key to making your user-focus content strategy stand out. Often the problem is not that the content is of poor quality. On the contrary, there is very engaging content with valuable information. However, the SEO rank is not at the desired level. The reason is that the valuable content is not aligned with the users’ intention. That is, the content does not go hand in hand with the search intention of its users.

This guide will help you understand the process of search intent and how to tie them harmoniously and accurately to your content so that both concepts help you achieve a high-performance SEO ranking.

What is search intent?

Search intent, or user purpose, is the primary reason the user has when searching on a search engine. The immediate reason for doing this activity is to find the closest solution to their questions, needs, or desires.

Search intent can vary depending on the user’s keywords, modifiers, and plan. For example, how many ways can you use to search for the phrase “hot dogs”? The search results will vary between information about the cooking process, the history of the hot dog, or even the best place to buy them. It all depends on the intention of the users.


Why Search Intent Matters to the SEO

 SEO is a way to increase traffic to your site gradually. It is a process that takes time and work. You need to be alert of changes and implement new optimization strategies, but the reward of a high SEO is priceless. 

Google and search intent

Google places much importance on search intent. If you look closely, Google’s primary goal is to satisfy the needs of its users. Therefore, presenting accurate answers is one of the most relevant actions for the Google search process.

When a search intent arises, Google analyzes possible responses and discards those that show no match between the search intent and the information. For example, a user searches for “how to make a home garden,” Google presents several options as responses. If the user doesn’t choose any of the alternatives, Google identifies those responses as no match and discards them for that user. Google already knows that the user’s intention did not coincide with the information previously provided and presents new responses in future searches.

Search intent is the engine of your marketing

It is important to emphasize that the marketing strategies used in the funnel stages must be based on search intent. All content must be in line with the user’s needs. Satisfying those needs is an essential part of growing traffic and loyal users. Your marketing strategies will not bear fruit if the search intent is not aligned with the content at each funnel stage.

The greater the variety of content based on different types of search intent, the greater the reach in each funnel stage. Matching your strategies to the user’s search intent will increase leads and conversion rates. This, in turn, increased returning traffic to your page.

Increase your SEO rank

The primary purpose of Google is to provide a unique experience to each of its users. Therefore, Google’s ranking factors for SEO are closely related to its users’ level of satisfaction. Therefore, providing accurate information is a must for a high SEO rank. As you grow in visits, customer satisfaction, the relevance of information, your rank will increase.  

What is the Use of Search Intent?

 There are four significant types of search intent. 

Information (To)

Refers to a search to obtain more information about a specific topic, product, or service. It’s one of the most common reasons to do search intent. Unfortunately, not all search intent is in the form of a question. In some instances, the users write a phrase, for example, “main coon.” The most accurate verb you can relate to a specific search is To (to know, to do). So, when designing your page or site, always ask yourself what is my target audience would like “to know.”  

The informational keywords populate the SERP results with snippets and other questions, including knowledge graphs. Top-keywords are mostly organic results.   

Navigation (Go)

It deals with the user’s intentions to get to a specific site, but instead of typing the URL (maybe the lack of knowing the address), they do a quick search. This search intent is also used for business brands or products names. When designing your site or page, the most accurate verb is To Go. So, design pages and sites thinking on where your audience would like “to go” first or which page is the most favorable to visit or for them to Go. For example, “Jasper Park.”

The search engine results page (SERP) usually shows the most relevant sites based on search intent. 

Transaction (Do)

Refers to the search intent to purchase something (a product, a service, a subscription). The users have a good idea of what they’re looking for or buying. When designing your site or page, the most accurate verb is To Do. So, when creating your pages or sites, think about things your audience would like “to do” while on your pages or site. For example, “tickets to Aruba.”

These SERPs are easy to define. They are primarily full of online shopping and brick-and-mortar retailers. 

Commercial Search

Refers to the user’s intentions to find out more information about a product or service. It is a general search to obtain more precise details about something that interests them. The user is still in the phase of deciding which product to purchase. In other words, they are reading for reviews and comments to help them decide.

How can Google help you get more information about search intent?

Google can be of significant help to learn more about your users’ intentions or impressions while they searched on your site or pages. But, of course, you need to have Google Analytics to have this information. Here are some ways: 

  1. Once in Google Search Console, visit Performance, then press on Search results on Google Analytics, see Acquisition, press Traffic, then go to Channels, once there click on Organic Search link. This information is unique to each site, so it would be best to learn about analytics and its conveniences from scratch. 
  2. On Google Analytics, visit Behavior, go to Site Search, click on Search Terms. It is the best way to see what your site or pages lack, as it provides information about search with no responses.   

Site Search is a great resource to design pages content or make improvements on your site based on the needs or wants of your target. This is a great way to improve your SEO ranking and do excellent marketing funnels for your audience.   

  1. You can use other tools available on the web, such as or (we are not affiliated with any of these sites). They are presented as examples of the wide variety on the web. Ultimately, it would be best to decide based on your needs). Each may come with different prices and services, so you need to shop around to select the best for your site.  

How to Benefit from Users Using Search Intent?

Search intent gives excellent benefits to your site; higher ranking, increased traffic, specialized content, great to increase sales based on target needs, and most importantly, helps with the semantic SEO. The benefits you can get from knowing your search intent are numerous; it all depends on your needs and how to use the information. Here are some examples:

  • Bust your pages by designing more precise content
  • Reduce bounce rates because people obtain better results on their searches, 
  • Knowing the users’ intention increase the likeliness of pages and sites.  
  • Provide for intent optimization, which helps Google show your page on more queries. 
  • Help you with Google’s snippets (A search snippet, or Google snippet, is a brief resume or extract from a page content).

Determining the Search Intent of a User

It can be hard to figure out what a person wants when they look, but there are several ways to get a better idea. Here are some things you can do to help:

Analyze the search question by paying close attention to its words and sentences. Find any exact words that show what the person wants. For example, if the query includes words like “buy,” “price,” or “review,” that suggests a commercial goal.

Look at the situation: Consider what is happening around the search question. If a person searches for the “best smartphone,” it could mean that they want to find information, while a question like “how to fix a broken screen” could mean they want to solve a problem or find their way.

Review trends and patterns in search questions: Look for patterns in search queries about the same topic. Find themes or questions that people search for frequently. This can give you an idea of what people usually mean when discussing those subjects.

Use user demographics and behavior: Consider your target audience’s demographics and how they act. When looking for similar topics, different groups of users may have other goals. Knowing your target audience can help you make educated guesses about what they want to find when they look.

Use analytics tools. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics or other SEO platforms to your advantage. These tools can give you helpful information about how people use your website, such as the search terms they used to find it and what they did afterward. By analyzing this data, you can determine what people seek.

Think about the search engine results page (SERP): Check out the results page for the questionable search. Take note of the different kinds of content, like articles, product lists, videos, or groups. This can help you figure out what the searcher was trying to do.

Remember that figuring out what someone is looking for is not an exact science, and getting a good idea may take a mix of these ways. It’s also important to keep looking at user comments and changing search trends to learn more about search purpose and improve your understanding of it.


Designing sites and pages can be quite an adventure. Not having an understandable and precise notion of the needs and wants of your users can be detrimental to your site. Search intent gives you the tools to unravel what people are searching on your site, allowing you to optimize and personalize your site for your target audience.

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