
How to Research for Valuable Keywords?


In the digital landscape, finding valuable keywords is crucial for enhancing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts and ensuring your content reaches the intended audience. A meticulous approach to keyword research can unearth these high-performing terms, strengthening your site’s visibility and engagement. This guide is designed to help you navigate the process of identifying and using valuable keywords, shaping the content that resonates best with your audience. Let’s explore this vital facet of SEO together.

How do Valuable Keywords help SEO?

SEO refers to search engine optimization. It includes optimization of the content found through a search engine’s organic search. Therefore, using valuable keywords is vital to SEO because it helps with:

  1. Increasing your site traffic: one of the best search engines is Google, which uses crawling to find content. Using keywords that are valuable to the search and retrieve of content, your page can increase the chances of getting higher SEO ranking and site traffic.
  2. Improving connection with users: the use of appropriate keywords helps to enhance the relationship between users’ searches and pain points.  
  3. It helps to fuse social media with SEO content: the use of valuable keywords helps to increase the link between SEO content and social media. Sharing the links through social media increases exposure to your page and extends content distribution.
  4. Keywords for massive audiences: keywords should have a valuable rank on search intent and high content value.

Finding Valuable keywords for new sites

Fining valuable keywords is to find words that people search, in some cases that explore the most. Hence, to conduct this task is better to follow these five steps to make your job easy.  

  1. Check if your keyword has search demand.
    • Search demand means the volume of monthly searches made for a keyword. This is measurable with a keyword metric called search volume (formula:  number of times the keyword was searched over the past twelve months divided by 12). You can find the search volume for a keyword by using a keyword research tool like Ahrefs Free Keyword Generator.
    • Check the traffic potential of the topic. Traffic potential is the total searched traffic you could get when ranking high on Google for using your SEO keyword.
    • Verify how the keyword can improve your topic or business. Vital to check how the keyword will increase value to the topic or business.  
    • Research for search intent match. Search intent is the reason behind a searcher’s query. You can verify search intent very quickly:

Type a keyword on the search engine search bar. Then verify what search Google (for instance) gives you while you type. Those are the most searched topic done through Google.  

    • Determine whether you can rank for your keyword and how difficult it would be. You have to be truthful to yourself. Do you think you can take on the competition? Finding a new keyword sometimes is the best alternative.

Let’s talk about Search Intent in more depth.

 It signifies the reason behind a  searcher’s query. Incorporating it into content delivery can assure search engines like Google that your page provides timely and relevant information. Essentially, you’re meeting the user’s needs. A simple way to identify search intent is to search your desired ranking keyword and assess the top results. Input your keyword into GooGoogle’sarch bar. As per Google, you’ll see other popular user searches. These top results help infer search intent, as Google knows what users seek. Other elements also assist in analyzing search intent.


It can refer to blog posts, videos, product pages, and landing pages. For example, let’s imagine your keyword is “gold earrings.” Once you write the keyword on Google, the dominant results are for purchases that fall into the commercial type of search intent.

Content is one of the three main SEO ranking factors. So, its weight to help you rank your business high on SEO is enormous.  

Content Format

Among formats of content that help your SEO are articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, images, webinars, slide presentations, blog posts, and landing pages. Blogs and landing pages are written content; the difference is that landing pages refer more to discuss a product or a service.

  1. These are a few examples of blog formats:
    1. How to guides
    2. Step by step tutorials
    3. List posts
    4. Opinion editorials
    5. Why Posts
    6. Infographics Posts
  2. A landing page has different uses depending on the type of page you developed. Still, your landing page will need some essential elements to add value to your business. Those elements are a value proposition, a clear message, and a call to action.

Content Angle

The content angle, or marketing angle, is a unique viewpoint or opinion. This unique tone distinguishes your content from competitors. Essentially, it’s why people visit your page. For instance, displaying a complex concept uniquely through video or infographics can help.

Addressing your audience’s pain points is crucial to the content angle. The focus should be on providing solutions. Sharing relevant information increases chances of clicks on your page. Remember, understanding your audience’s search intent is a savvy way to create SEO-friendly content.

How to choose the best keywords?

There are several steps to help you select the best keywords for your page. Start with the basics and move up step by step.  

Know your Business or Site

Understanding your business is fundamental for seed keyword selection.

Here’s how you define your business:

Ask ‘what’:

    • _is your business about?
    • _sets your site apart from competitors?
    • _unique offerings do you have?

Then ask ‘why’:

    • _should people visit your page?
    • _are you selling your product?

The aim is to know all the W’s: who, what, why, when, and where.

Now, match these answers:

Ask ‘what’:

    • _would you like to be known for?
    • _words would your audience use?

Then ask ‘which’:

    • _keywords do you want to rank for?
    • _search engine will users prefer?
    • _topics resonate with your audience?
    • _keywords align with user pain points?

These questions form the basis for your seed keywords. You can, however, add more. Developing more questions will aid your seed keyword creation.

Define the use:

There are some steps to help you select your seed keywords.  You need a keyword research tool to help you with this task. There are great tools free to do this type of task. Some sites specialize in keyword research. Those sites are not accessible or inexpensive; however, they are precious. It is up to you and your wallet.   Note: We suggest beginning with free keyword research tools if you are just starting. Check these

Keyword research tool shows you information on a keyword like their:

  • search volume
  • similar keywords
  • Other SEO metrics

Another great help of the keyword research tools is the discovery of potential topics worth going after.

Check for Keywords search demand

Verity that users are searching for that particular keyword (head or long-tail keywords).

  Check if the keywords have search demand. This is the monthly search volume it has. Remember, the higher, the more competitive it is.   

Note: When choosing a keyword, you want it to have:

  • search demand.
  • potential traffic (this makes the keyword more reliable because not all search volume results in page visits).
  • business potential (what value it brings to the business).
  • search intent.
  • Check rank difficulties for the chosen keyword (how hard it would be to rank using the keyword).

Note: you can check in Google search to verify if your content falls into:

  • Transaction: you will see that most of the search engine results are e-commerce
  • Informational: you will see that most of the results are blogs or informational pages

Valuable keyword research is not a complicated task. Keep in mind some aspects that make the difference. 

  •  The importance of the keyword concerning the topic.
  • The significance of the keyword to the audience.
  • The weight of the keyword to SEO ranking.

By understanding that each keyword has a use-value, you will find the best words for your content.


Effective, valuable keyword research is a multifaceted process. It begins with understanding your business and audience, defining what sets you apart, and identifying user pain points. Free or paid keyword research tools are pivotal, providing valuable data like search volume and related keywords. These insights can illuminate potential topics to pursue. A strategic approach to keyword research ultimately bolsters SEO, helping to improve visibility and reach the right audience.

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