
27 Sales Secrets That Will Help You Close More Deals

Increasing sales is not complicated. Start by defining and understanding your customers to develop strategies based on their needs and wants. Here are 27 strategies to help you close more deals. After all, increasing sales is a must to keep your business afloat. 

#1 Emphasize your Competitive Advantage by Using Niches

Selecting clients ‘ niches is the most effective strategy to emphasize your competitive advantage. In other words, specialize in a specific type of consumer (define your buyer persona). A niche helps you design products, services, and strategies tailored to your ideal client. Therefore, it is best to clearly define your buyer persona to improve your marketing and increase sales.  

Three strategies for using a niche:

  1. Identify your target audience. Identifying your target audience is the first step in any niche marketing strategy. Who are you trying to reach? What are their needs and wants? Once you know who you’re targeting, you can start to tailor your content and marketing efforts to appeal to them.
  2. Create valuable content. Once you know your target audience, you need to create content that is valuable to them. This could include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, or anything else that will provide them with information or entertainment. The key is to create content that is relevant to their interests and that will help them solve a problem or achieve a goal.
  3. Build relationships. In addition to creating valuable content, you also need to build relationships with your target audience. This can be done through social media, email marketing, or attending industry events. The more relationships you build, the more likely you are to generate leads and sales.

#2 Micro-Targeting for Niches

The use of niches also helps micro-targeting. Micro-targeting is a tailored advertisement based on specific information. You can have a significant advantage by using technology to obtain precise information these days. Like: common patterns of particular groups, detailed data can help detect similar motivations for purchase decisions, targeted sales, or improvement in sales time. In other words, using services similar to or a little more precise than Google Analytics can help you improve your sales. 

Four strategies for using micro-targeting:

  1. Segment your audience. The first step to microtargeting is to segment your audience. This means dividing your audience into smaller groups based on shared characteristics like interests, demographics, or behavior. Once you have segmented your audience, you can start to tailor your marketing messages to each group. 
  2. Use location data. Location data can be used to target people who are physically near your business or who are interested in products or services that are relevant to your location. For example, a coffee shop could target people who are near their store with ads for coffee or pastries.
  3. Use behavioral data. Behavioral data can be used to target people who have already interacted with your brand, such as people who have visited your website or signed up for your email list. For example, a clothing store could target people who have previously viewed their products with ads for new arrivals or sales.
  4. Use psychographic data. Psychographic data can be used to target people based on their interests, values, and lifestyle. For example, a travel agency could target people who are interested in hiking with ads for hiking trips.

#3 Engage with Your Customers

Keeping constant communication with your customer is vital to building trust. So, open and continuous communication help to introduce your products or services more organically. They get to know you and your brand. As a result, the exposure and connection of your products and services can increase exponentially. Participate in local and international events, either physical or virtual. The best option to increase your sales is through networking.  

Three strategies to engage with your customers:

  1. Use live chat. Live chat is a great way to engage with customers in real-time. You can use live chat to answer questions, provide support, and upsell or cross-sell products or services.
  2. Use chatbots. Chatbots are another great way to engage with customers. Chatbots can be used to answer frequently asked questions, provide support, and even sell products or services.
  3. Use social media. Social media is a great way to engage with customers personally. You can use social media to share news and updates, answer questions, and start conversations.

#4 Keep Yourself Motivated

Increasing sales can be frustrating, but never let your enthusiasm go away. A positive mind is your superpower, so do not lose your confidence. Staying motivated is a skill that you must work on; it is not natural to be motivated all the time but being unmotivated is not suitable for the business. When you feel like quitting or bump-out, think you can do anything you want, including working on particular tasks to increase your sales. The positivism of the leader promotes motivation in a team. 

Three strategies to not giving up when things are not going your way:

  1. Stay positive. It’s easy to get discouraged when sales are down, but it’s important to stay positive. Remember that sales are cyclical, and they will eventually go back up. In the meantime, focus on what you can control, such as providing excellent customer service and high-quality products.
  2. Analyze the data. Once you’ve accepted that sales are down, it’s time to analyze the data to see why. Are there certain products or services that are not selling well? Are there any trends in the market that you’re not keeping up with? Once you know why sales are down, you can start to develop a plan to turn things around.
  3. Take action. Once you have a plan, it’s time to take action. This could involve changing your marketing strategy, improving customer service, or launching new products or services. Whatever you do, make sure you’re taking action to turn things around.

#5 Use Reviews

Testimonials are the best tool to confirm your customers’ quality and satisfaction with your products or services. Potential customers search for comments for verification. A testimonial is a form of ensuring the excellence of the products or services. The best action is always to ask for reviews. Those reviews help your sales and promote re-sales (they see your products as suitable investments). 

Two strategies to request testaments or comments:

  1. Personalize your request. When you’re asking for a testament or comment, it’s important to personalize your request. This means addressing the person by name and explaining why you’re asking for their help. For example, you could say something like, “Hi [name], I’m [your name] and I’m the founder of [company name]. I’m writing to ask if you would be willing to provide a testament or comment about your experience with our product or service.”
  2. Offer something in return. When you’re asking for someone’s help, it’s always a good idea to offer something in return. This could be anything from a free product or service to a shout-out on social media. For example, you could say something like, “In return for your help, I would be happy to offer you a free

#6 Product-To-Market Fit

Breaking into a new market can be difficult; actually, starting a new business can be intimidating if you don’t know a few “tricks.” Product-to-market fit is the best way to push your products and increase sales. This tactic what it does is to promote a product that specifically can satisfy your unique market (niche). As an entrepreneur, you must identify a need and build the solution based on the needs or wants of the clients. You can also create the needs and show the customer (who is unaware of their needs) how the product can help them. By adjusting a specific need with a product, sales can increase. 

Two psychological techniques to make a product likable:

  1. The similarity principle. People are more likely to like products they perceive as similar to themselves. This means that you should tailor your marketing materials to appeal to your target audience’s specific needs and wants. For example, if you’re selling a product that is designed for young professionals, you should use language and imagery that appeals to that demographic.
  2. The reciprocity principle. People are more likely to like people who do them favors. This means you should offer your customers incentives to try your product, such as free samples or discounts. They’ll likely become repeat customers once they’ve tried your product and enjoyed it.

#7 Have A Distinctive Value Proposition

A value proposition describes a specific offer to a target customer. It should answer the question, “Why should I buy from you?” A value proposition is not just explaining the product’s features but the value the product brings to the consumer. So, to write a good value proposition, first, check the customer’s needs, and based on their needs, present the reasons why your products are great for them (not just good, great!). Then, you need to connect the value proposition to the customer’s needs. Take, for example, the value proposition of Nike; it is based on accessibility, innovation, customization, and status given by the brand. The value proposition of Louis Vuitton is the high quality of materials and craftsmanship. The value proposition of McDonald’s is consistency with its fast service.  Zona Shoppers’ value proposition is convenience. The distinctiveness of the value proposition increases loyal customers, which increases sales. 

#8 Consistent is your Best Strategy

Delivering consistency in a business brings a positive effect. Potential buyers will gain trust in your company. Different from making constant changes where the potential customer will not know what to expect. For example, consistency in service is vital for the company. You must give excellent service during all transactions and for all clients. Don’t do one day good and another bad. The same thing happens with marketing—consistency in marketing help branding. You must develop reliability to your brand, and the best tactic to do so is through consistency in marketing. You are creating value through trust by providing consistency in all aspects of your company. Value and trust are the main reasons people are empathetic with a brand, organically leading to increased sales.  


#9 Upsell, Cross sales, & Innovative Inventory

Upselling and cross-selling are the best options to increase sales. Upselling happens when you offer a better but most costly product. For example, a headphone with noise canceling. A cross-selling is when you offer more products, for example, accessories for a cellphone. By bringing more innovative products to your inventory, you increase the frequency of purchases, which will increase sales. 

#10 Focus On Existing Customers

No doubt that new customers are harder to convince, but once they become your customers, it is “easier,” as long an excellent service and products are there. The main tactic to keep a satisfied client is always giving them value. Make them loyal clients by making them feel appreciated. Loyal clients will be your most valuable marketers and assets for your brand. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask them how they are doing. Please don’t make them feel they are only a currency bill but a partner. Existing customers increase sales by doing re-sales, helping with word of mouth, reducing marketing costs, providing helpful feedback.  

#11 Why do customers buy (product or service)?

Focus on why customers buy, and you will find a long list of opportunities you have never seen before. Of course, people buy for different reasons; emotional is one of the most important because it creates a connection between the client and the brand. But the truth is that they buy for multiple reasons: needs, wants, opportunity, simplicity of use, convenience, positive reviews, value, and the list can go on. All those reasons can be your opportunity/strategy to sell your products and increase profits.  

#12 Sell through Videos

The use of videos has increased by a whopping 96%. Videos give another perspective of the product that 2D (flat) images cannot provide. It offers your products and services life, connection, and engagement. You can also use videos to review your products or services. Using video reviews increases the confidence and trust in your brand, increasing sales. You can ask your clients to send you a short video recommending the product, and in exchange, you provide exceptional service or product. 

#13 Organize Private Events

There is nothing more exciting than having an opportunity to get closer to your clients. Private events provide the perfect environment to understand clients’ pain points. They also work great for introducing new products or services and conducting sales. For example, private events were the perfect venue to promote products and increase sales during the pandemic. 

#14 Learn about competitors

Don’t forget about your competitors. They are the best means to learn new strategies and sales techniques. No matter how many years or powerful they look, all your competitors have weaknesses. Use those weaknesses to outdo them. Show how powerful you can become by offering better value to your clients. Those actions will increase potential and current clients to believe in you. 

#15 Promotion

Use promotion to let the audience know about your products or services. Show your clients how your products are their best alternative. Use different tactics to engage them to your products: samples, giveaways, flash sales, coupons, BOGO (buy one get other (usually free)), sense of urgency, money-back guarantee, and many more. Remember, the main idea of a promotion is to keep the product in the customer’s mind. It helps create a demand for the product. Promotion is a great way to improve sales. 

5 types of promos that can skyrocket your sales:

  1. Free shipping: Everyone loves free shipping, so offering it as a promotion is a great way to attract new customers and encourage existing customers to spend more.
  2. Discounts: Discounts are another popular promotion that can help you boost sales. You can offer discounts on individual products, entire product categories, or even your entire store.
  3. Bundle deals: Bundle deals are a great way to sell more products and increase your average order value. You can create bundles of products that are related to each other or that are frequently purchased together.
  4. Gift with purchase: Offering a gift with purchase is a great way to add value to your customers’ purchases and encourage them to spend more. The gift can be anything from a small product sample to a free gift certificate.
  5. Referral programs: Referral programs are a great way to generate new leads and sales. When you offer your customers a reward for referring their friends and family to your business, you can create a network of loyal customers who are eager to help you grow your business.

#16 Marketing

Marketing increases sales, brand awareness, loyal customers and, to be honest, keeps your business competitive. Using marketing is the best alternative to promote your products or services; it does not matter if it is free or paid. Marketing is used to capture the attention of a target audience. It should provoke curiosity and the urge to search for more information. Unfortunately, your product will not reach engagement if there are no marketing strategies. Therefore, marketing is the perfect tool to increase sales. 

5 marketing strategies that produce great outcomes:

  1. Content marketing: Content marketing is a great way to attract new customers and build relationships with existing customers. When you create high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience, you can position yourself as an expert in your field and build trust with potential customers.
  2. Email marketing: Email marketing is a highly effective way to stay in touch with your customers and promote your products or services. When you collect email addresses from your website visitors or customers, you can send them regular emails with updates about your business, special offers, and other relevant content.
  3. Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO is optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). When your website ranks higher in SERPs, it is more likely to be seen by potential customers, leading to increased traffic and sales.
  4. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: PPC advertising is a type of online advertising where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. PPC ads can be displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs), social media platforms, and other websites.
  5. Social media marketing: Social media marketing is a great way to connect with your target audience and promote your products or services. When you create engaging social media content, you can reach many people and drive traffic to your website.

#17 Consider Sales Milestones

Milestones are small objectives that help achieve a final goal. In other words, it consists of dividing a final goal into small parts to make it achievable. However, they are significant as a predictable sales process. You need to complete each milestone in the sales process to reach sales. When you set milestones, you are expecting to see improvements. For example, match last year’s sales by quarter 2, expand sales into new geolocation, and boost sales by 10%.


 4 real-life examples of sales milestones:

  1. Landing your first big client: This is a major milestone for any sales professional. It shows you have the skills and the ability to close deals with high-value customers.
  2. Reaching your monthly or quarterly sales goal: This is a great way to show your boss and colleagues that you are a top performer. It can also help you earn bonuses or commissions.
  3. Launching a new product or service is a big undertaking, but it can be a great way to boost sales. Launching a new product or service can reach a new audience and generate excitement about your brand.
  4. Opening a new office or expanding into a new market is a major milestone for any business. It shows that you are growing and that you are confident in your ability to succeed in new markets.

#18 Loyalty Programs

Nothing will do better for your sales than taking good care of your current customers. It takes a lot of effort and investment to get more customers. Imagine losing all your existing customers for lack of good service. Having to start again from scratch will be a nightmare. Make your loyalty program as you think is best convenient for your customers, not you! You can offer base-price programs, special discounts, a percentage of investment return, reduce costs. There is no doubt that a loyalty program is the best way to keep re-sales. 

#19 Share the Story Behind the Product

This technique works wonders if you make your products. People are curious creatures and love to see how products are made. Take time to share the processes to create your product. You can do this through small reels, private groups, or live social gathers. It also helps people understand the labor-intense of a finished product. Be careful into knowing what or what not to share.  

Two real-life examples of showing the backstage of a product:

  1. Unboxing videos: Unboxing videos are a popular way for people to get a behind-the-scenes look at new products. These videos often show the product being unpacked from its packaging, and they may also include demonstrations of how the product works.
  2. Product tours: Some companies offer tours of their manufacturing facilities to customers. This can be a great way to give customers a behind-the-scenes look at how their favorite products are made.

#20 Provide outstanding customer service

Sometimes, vendors focus on achieving milestones instead of delivering excellent service. Never underestimate the power of service over product. Maybe you don’t have the best products, but you win a customer if you give them an excellent service that provides value and satisfaction. Service is the most vital tool to increase loyalty and sales. A happy customer will come back again; an unsatisfied customer will try to ruin your brand. 

#21 Use Social Media to Promote Special Deals and Gain Sales

Offering special deals or services helps you in two ways first, it calls the attention of potential customers and current customers, and second, it helps you during a crisis when prices need to be increased. Special offers are a magnificent way to increase sales. You can mix low-sales with high-sale products to move inventory. The opportunities are enormous. Use social media as your platform to promote those special offers. Don’t forget to add a sense of urgency (for example, limited quantities) to your promotion.  

#22 Build Your Community

Building a community of followers or loyal customers can be time-consuming but rewarding. Get connected through Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media where you can get close to your target audience. Building a community brings many advantages; it can improve your brand message, drive sales, and save marketing costs. Start doing excellent images, then use reels, and if you feel comfortable, do live. Take one step at a time!

#23 Partner with Other Businesses

Zona Shoppers’ e-commerce, a partner of Zona B.F.G., specializes in this type of marketing. It is cost-effective and great to introduce new products or brands, among many other benefits. However, opening your site or e-store outside of Zona Shoppers will be a little hard to find other brands or businesses willing to share a marketing campaign with you. That’s where Zona Shoppers gives you a great advantage. We pair your products with others that will bring value to your brand. Presenting your products or services with others that add value increases visibility and sales. 

#24 Focus on your Key Driving Factor

It is crucial to determine what drives individuals to desire or need something. Next, you need to figure out what pushes your customers to purchase. Some key driving factors can be economic, social, cultural, phycological, and personal factors.  

#25 Knowing your Product is Vital

Don’t try to “fake it until you make it”; eventually, people will know. Your brand reputation will get damaged, and once it is harmed, it will need a significant budget to fix it. Your products are the core of your business. To repeat sales, you need to know how and why your product is the perfect option for them. Mastering your product or service is the main point to increase sales. Not knowing your product will reflect in the outcomes. 

#26 People Buy from Experts

Customers are always looking for something or someone to help resolve their needs. Becoming an expert in your business field increases your audience’s chances of becoming your clients. It also gives your brand an extra level of assurance in the mind of the customers. When potential customers feel a brand will support their needs with knowledge, products, and service, they feel more compliant to join the business. 

#27 Use Key-Value Items (KVI) or Key-Value Categories (KVC)

Key-Value Items are the charms of your business. Those are the type of products customers compare on prices. The key-value items (products or services) are the fundamental traffic drivers because they are usually the products people search for or need more. The same goes for KVC. Having key-value items with good marketing increase visibility and sales. 

Here is an example of a key-value item and another category for a women’s clothing store:

Key Value Item

  • Black high heels: Black high heels are a classic and versatile item that can be dressed up or down. They are also relatively inexpensive, so they can be a good way to attract customers with low prices.
  • Key Value Items







Here is an example of a key-value item and another category for a women’s clothing store:

Key Value Category

  • Dresses: Dresses are versatile items that can be worn for various occasions. They are also relatively inexpensive, so they can be a good way to attract customers with low prices.
  • Key Value Categories

Casual wear

Formal wear






By focusing on KVI and KVC products, women’s clothing stores can attract customers and increase sales.

Here are some additional tips for identifying KVI and KVC products for a women’s clothing store:

  • Look at sales data: Sales data can give you insights into which products are the most popular and which products are the most profitable.
  • Talk to customers: Ask your customers what products they are looking for and which products they are most likely to buy.
  • Consider your competition: What products are your competitors selling? What products are they promoting?

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